Actions Completed


2016      |       2017      |       2018      |       2019      |       2020      |       2021      |       2022      |       2023      |       2024


JANUARY 2025 -

Conducted individual reviews with all school and pre-college students on annual basis-past year and upcoming year; recommended.

Expanded Saturday Math Camp to younger girls on every Saturday basis---expanded tutoring program.

Planned rebuild on next learning room so as to offer more “quiet rooms” and improved space for group tutoring.

Hired contractor and planned rebuild for March work week - efforts focused on room renovation, heavy power washing, and painting.


JANUARY 2024 -

Continued the contractor interviewing process for contractors.

Provided write-ups and summaries for potential additions.

Researched software and tutors for recent graduates preparing for college entrance exams.


MARCH 2024 -

Completed update and modernization of Esperanza Library with painting, cleaning, and restoration of large facility---removed close to 2000 books from the 4th floor library, restored walls and ceilings, purchased furniture, and assisted staff from the AFS to improve and modernize entire library. (See photographs)

Conducted school assessments and reviewed activities versus teachers, guides, and tutors for each student, under 16 and those doing less than expected received special attention and help----readdressed performance of guides and tutors versus each student.

Evaluated performance and areas requiring special help for those two pre-college students preparing for entrance exams in electrical engineering and medicine---Mexico requires specialized pre college exams for specific majors.

Three students at Casa Rosa were selected for advanced Technology classes at NAMI as part of the Visual Impairment Development in their Life Center. It is expected this 6 month program will build on prior learning and development aimed toward living an independent life.


APRIL 2024 -

Completed updated Computer Learning Library with two brand new work stations, high speed access, new Graphics Support package, and a high speed CPU----all focused on introducing the most contemporary skills in an operational style.

Evaluated and updated teaching processes and schedules for all tutors working with the Esperanza students---added several key guides on specific areas of math and science for personal attention and learning.

Reviewed additional plans to update software offerings for areas and by student----remote or specific applications will be accessible by student.

Provided books and study guides for the ESL proctors in MXC and others working by remote access so as to develop reasonable uniformity by student and teacher.


MAY 2024 -

"Homework helpers" were polled and specific support for everything from pencils to white board crayons were purchased, received, and stored in the learning Center.

Group centered books were purchased for age groups for reading the Library -in addition, study guides and additional materials were purchased as part of the package.

Reviewed additional plans to update software offerings for areas and by student----remote or specific applications will be accessible by student.

Plans to implement minimal physdical upgrades were reviewed, discussed, and planned for the year-end. A thorough review will be conducted to ensure the appropriate processes are undertaken to ensure quality and control costs in any improvement or upgrade.


JUNE 2024 -

Completed initial assessments of academic performance and plan for summer camp improvement programs based on individual strengths, weaknesses, needs, and developmental plans.

Reviewed with AFS faculty and tutors upcoming needs and plans for tutoring programs.

Completed initial year of ESL training conducted by us on a weekly basis as the way to teach, learn, and demonstrate learning by younger kids.

Purchased additional dual language books for library reading and group teaching sessions held weekly in the Learning Center.



Hired specific content instructors for mathematics and physics as part of increased emphasis to improve quantitative knowledge and skills.

Continued updating of Computer Room with full assortment of graphics, software, and printing to offer additional and contemporary skills.

Finalized back to school package for topics, learning, and testing at all levels for in school students.

Participated in a successful Coca Cola Foundation grant from Atlanta and Mexico City where funds were awarded to the House for purchase of a large freezer, an institutional fridge, and other supplies.


OCTOBER 2024 -

Continued individualized ESL sessions for 5 youngest girls via remote instructions-reading, speaking, and counseling dominate these 90 minute weekly tutorials.

Additional desks, visual aids, and chairs were purchased for learning and computer centers-math camp will be reinstituted for the younger girls ion Saturday mornings.

Updating and renovations continue in the dining room, the computer center, and the learning center.



Reviewed school performance by each student and provided action plans for resolution.

Launched specific tutoring programs for quantitative topics focused on pre-college participants on a weekly based.

Developed curriculum and topical training for grade school children.

Discussed glasses for kids program in MXC schools.

Reviewed patient tracking software and management inter-phase with developers.



Reviewed US NEI program with respective US Embassy officials

Evaluated MXC donor program and our role with Jones Day

Assessed individual plans and revisions for ESL programs.

Completed grant requests for respective organizations for upcoming year


March 2023 -

Reviewed opportunities to reorganize Esperanza approach for succession planning

Presented alternate governance models for Esperanza and prospective next steps for consideration

Participated with community leaders and their willingness to be part of Esperanza

Assessed roles, trade-offs, and risks associated with mega-change in ownership and governance

Conducted individual sessions with key young women to determine needs and programs for second quarter and summer

Shared plans and alternatives with respective administrators and leaders at house


May 2023 -

Followed up with the individual sessions for key young women developed in March

Reviewed report cards, activity marks, and mentor contacts for interaction and feedback

Meeting with governance board to review future planning alternatives

Evaluated future capital projects versus cost, return, benefits, fit, and risks


July 2023 -

Conducted review calls with potential partners in reorganization and future plans

Continued capital campaign to match funds for second half challenge


September 2023 -

Finalized back to school plans for students at all levels concerning
strengths and weaknesses

Recruited prospective tutors and mentors to assist with plans

Soliciting bids for learning center updates and improvements

Developing list for contractors and supporters in learning lab work

Approached workplace network to source for summer work for upcoming students


October 2023 -

Visit with US Embassy staff for reviews and updates

Initiated tutorial program to finalize support programs for students in
middle school and lower

Evaluated plans and conducted group meeting for Esperanza staff efforts

Debriefed the Esperanza administration on plans

Conducted walk through on plans with prospective contractors on site


December 2023 -

Finalized end of year performance reviews and feedback for the senior girls in school

Continued updating resume writings and training for the pending graduates

Interviewed contractors for major renovation and updating of facilities

Arranged Christmas party and appropriate gifts for all residents


JANUARY 2022 -

Completed student reviews for year beginning in January of 2022.

Evaluated student applications and finalized upcoming requests.

Applied for City Market grant in MXC to subsidize 2022 effort.

Continued the personalized tutoring program with selected students.


Initiated program to fulfill social service programs for designated participants.

Launched program to provide feedback on performance analysis and improvement.

Reviewed potential capital improvements for facility programs.

MARCH 2022 -

Developed updates and tutoring sessions for specific individuals at school.

Reviewed plans and steps for social service actions submissions to schools.

Revised life plans and reassembled steps plus mentoring programs for older women.

Hired and supervised facility upgrade at court yard recreational area.

Visited key support people at Mexico City locations to assess progress.

APRIL 2022 -

Finalized the Planning cycle for EFF over next year activities and implementation.

Interviewed potential tutors and programs for selected La Casa members.

Assessed progress of several individuals and commitments to improvement through technology.

Discussed planning and assessment for summer employment internships with key EFF supporters.

MAY 2022 -

Finalized social service leave programs for all applicable candidates.

Networked for three summer jobs for Esperanza young women.

Reviewed pending school reviews to evaluate and feedback past year.

Continued to conduct one on one session with "older girls" on a weekly basis.

Managed ESL planning and implementation for school age girls through American School Project Impact team

JUNE 2022 -

Interviewed and selected additional life coaches to drive single sessions with college age young women.

Repaired facilities to improve on site activities.

Funded additional training for vision impaired young women with technology and mobility.

Supported facilities with appropriate capital investments for life style and safety.


Conducted individual interviews for school year planning and assessments.

Interviewed potential mentors and selected appropriate candidates.

Initiated specific plans to target personal sessions for those high impact participants.

Reviewed backgrounds and screened new arrivals at the Houses.

OCTOBER 2022 -

Coordinated resume workshops and follow ups for senior girls

Interviewed tutors for Saturday classes and ZOOM tutoring

Prepared data base training module for selected students


Developed work week-end concept in early March with Austin Church group.

Screened and assessed new girls for help and support

Finalized tutoring and end of year life planning sessions


Completed annual reviews and upcoming plans for school year

Initiated a corporate hiring program for "older ladies" so as to secure appropriate positions.

Finalized meetings for March with other parties in MXC


Initiated inherited blindness project with the staffs at APEC and key leaders throughout the Eye Community with representation from University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins, Kings College, the Cleveland Clinic, and other leading institutions.

From University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins, Kings College, the Cleveland Clinic, and other leading institutions.

Launched key training for selected students in STEM activities via ZOOM and personalized tutoring.

Revised appropriate plans for the upcoming year for both Orphanages.

Completed an audit of physical facilities and had preventative maintenance performed on appropriate equipment and appliances.

Began effort to hold global meeting in Mexico City  focused on key challenges and issues dealing with preventable pediatric blindness.

APRIL 2021 -

Updated the Retinopathy of Prematurity public Hospital project with additional team members and the completion of planning process. Drafted formal schedule for assignment and actions going forward throughout the remainder of 2021.

Continued individual ZOOM training and learning focused on personal and group needs for learning and development.

Prepared launch program for learning sessions with school openings in August 2021.

Added expanded ZOOM tutors for research, science, and mathematics for specific people and their needs.

Initiated planning for student exchange next summer where students will visit homes between Mexico City and Chicago

May 2021 -

Expanded English classes to Algebra to Chemistry via an entire fleet of volunteers, tutors, and teachers - working in individual sessions or group sessions with specific attention paid to the precise needs of the young lady. 

Continued the Life Planning Process where each young lady lays out her goals and activities in an orderly format--- past six months have been examined and assessed and the next six months will be shaped in order to balance the past performance with the future plans.

Added technology capabilities and equipment to the Learning Center to improve further access, quality, versatility, and capabilities.

July 2021 -

Initiated ROP blindness project with the further expansion of team members and processes to assist the public hospitals in Mexico City and their programs to manage the premature baby population and subsequent threat of pediatric blindness.

Finalized new school plans through specific mentoring and assistance for the individual participants at Esperanza.

Completed outside coaching module and career building conducted by key Dell executives that focuses on career planning and training for workplace challenges and opportunities faced by Esperanza.

Earley Family Foundation will launch in early September this dedicated effort with researchers, scientists, and clinicians to assist the Mexico City Public Hospitals though pro bono consulting and training designed to be hospital specific so as to improves their premature baby care.  This effort will be called “NO ROP MEX.”

July 2021 -

Completed planning for upcoming school sessions based on individual programs and studies planned for the initial term of the school year.

Arranged for appropriate tutoring and design programs to support specific topics

September 2021 -

Conducted planning meeting with ASF staff and student teams to coordinate school year programs.

Reviewed planning activities with Esperanza staff and overseers.

Conducted audit and plans to ensure technology transfer and software remains operational for upper level students.

October 2021 -

Completed COSTCO grant review and submission for the new school year .

Applied for Casa Rosa students to reapply for technology scholarships, systems, software, and support.

November 2021 -

Visited Mexico City to work on the EFF activities and the No Rop Mex activities.

Conducted reviews and evaluations for Esperanza resident and addressed the specifics of the various age groups.

Detailed improvement plans to ensure feedback, revision, and improvement.

Planned the involvement of the ASF staff and discussed full school year activities with Team Impact.

Meet with CROWE and staff to finalize internships and summer staffing opportunities.

JANUARY 2020 -

Completed initial plans for upcoming year for engagement and activities with American School students to support Esperanza.

Finalized renovation for fellows office and bedroom at Esperanza as part of summer tutoring program.

Completed summer interviewing for English tutor in the summer of 2020.


Initiated technology audit to support diabetic retinopathy effort in Mexico City.

Visited with leading US based retina specialists to determine best practices.

Completed foundation grant application to support Casa Rosa residents with leading edge technology support and training.

MARCH 2020 -

Visited Mexico City to complete audit of past activities and upcoming annual activities.

Interviewed tutors and instructors for extensive 2020 educational and developmental efforts.

Visited Ronald McDonald Charities staff in Mexico City to evaluate their programs.

Interviewed programs designed to support the training of blind young women.

Toured the Dulce Hospital in Mexico City and interviewed senior staff to assess fit for joint projects.

APRIL 2020 -

Finalized process and activities to provide remote support in outlying areas of Mexico City.

Reviewed educational plans to teach teens on specific learning skills.

Launched ZOOM training to college students on skill improvement and new capabilities.

Completed assessment and training for data base skills.

MAY 2020 -

Completed young adult training program for post-secondary school women.

Initiated fund raising plans to assist Dulce Eye Hospital in Mexico City with USA contributors.

JUNE 2020 -

Hired tutor to work specifically with a group of ten girls on weekly sessions to improve their language skills via remote learning.

Developed team of Americans, Mexicans, and other nationals living in Mexico City to assess needs at the waiting room for the Dulce Eye Center - effort is focused on how to expedite patient process and improve efficacies of subsequent care for eye patients.

 Initiated one on one program via ZOOM to review educational performance and plan for individual “summer school.”

Recruited several interested individuals willing to assist with the planning and assessment of facilities at Hospital.

Launched retired Spanish teacher female program to have these retired teachers work long distance with the residents on improving their language and learning.

JULY 2020 -

Launched one on one program to improve overall managerial skills of key administrators via outside consultant. 

Implemented expanded telecommunications capabilities for technology access and management at Esperanza

Conducted on site visit of Dulce Eye Hospital admission and waiting facilities with team members.

AUGUST 2020 -

Reviewed proposals and work plans to assess specific changes at Dulce Eye Center.

Managed second visit and review by planning team to inspect specific changes and improvements.

Supported school review for upcoming students and assessed improvements and plans. 

Arranged for additional learning plans and activities for designated students.

October 2020 -

American School Team has initiated its ZOOM counseling and big sister campaign for special education residents at La Esperanza House---the plan designed to support, mentor, and include these young women in an externally linked focus

Awarded a grant from COSTCO to update connectivity and support expenses for retired Spanish teachers living in the USA who are mentoring the residents and improving their language skills.

Continued ZOOM classes and specific improvements driven by the needs of the individual students----private tutoring to support specific needs versus capabilities.

Launched additional reviews of the “eye wagon” project designed to enable semi-rural populations surrounding Mexico City to receive ophthalmological services and treatments plus remote testing and diagnosis via technology.

December 2020 -

Completed annual review of students and their academic records for the completed school year ending December 2020.

Continued remote Zoom tutoring for specialized classes in appropriate subjects for key students under life plans.

Refined further two pending projects with the APEC Hospital in support of our visually impaired students at Casa Rosa.

Revised appropriate plans for Homework help from the ASF students for the younger students at Esperanza

JANUARY 2019 -

Began physical construction on the renovations at Esperanza.

Purchased new furniture for the Dell Learning Center at Esperanza.

Trained staff at La Casa Rosa on the assessment process for personal planning.


Visited Mexico City and completed audit of casa rosa certificates. Reviews of process and hearing with Accounting firm successfully finalized.

Meet with staff Of Esperanza and completed the schedule for training on the 1 March through 2 March for life planning process.

Training for staffs of la Esperanza and casa rosa implemented through Dr. Blaylock and mentors on the above two days.

Life planning sessions conducted for each girl over a two hour period for 18 young women at Esperanza and 10 young women at casa rosa.

Contracted and supervised the upgrade for internet installation at Esperanza learning center.

Contracted and supervised the new safety lights at la Esperanza.

Completed the upgrade of women’s dorm by repairing windows, doors, drapes, floor, and beds. In addition new lights and shelves were purchased and installed.

MARCH 2019 -

Introduced counseling experience and updates to mentors assigned to coach la Esperanza young women.

Reviewed concepts of diabetic retinopathy conference with the institute of ophthalmology personnel.

Meet with American school mentors and discussed upcoming roles and recognized past contributors.

Formed alliance with the founders of the la Esperanza institute and focused on going forward with specific activities and process.

Completed assessment of internship program and opportunities with named suppliers.

APRIL 2019 -

Conducted initial sessions with the last Esperanza mentorees and those mentors assigned to them.

Completed and fielded initial questions about concerns and opportunities to support plus feedback on the process.

MAY 2019 -

Submitted the upcoming needs for the year based on initial meetings and sessions with appropriate materials to support Kahn academy introduction.

Finalized selection of Muhammad Kahn , (no relation to the Kahn academy ). an honors research and science student at Michigan state university, to be the initial tutor at la Esperanza for the next months. He will visit the school three days a week and assist the girls on a variety of topics, especially mathematics and the sciences.

JUNE 2019 -

Launched the online training for the summer with the la Esperanza young women.

Finalized the offerings of the Mexico ngo status for casa rosa and its support for the years of 2019 and 2020.

Updated individual assessments for each person within the la Esperanza and casa rosa—completed and will be utilized as the go in basis for development and learning.

Initial meetings of mentors held in la Esperanza and activities completed as part of ongoing management process.

Muhammad Kahn completes initial month of working with the women and has recorded tutoring activities plus begun assessing the performance.

Purchased additional furniture for dell learning lab and emphasized its role in meetings focused on change and improvement.

JULY 2019 -

Ongoing personal tutoring program by Muhammad with concentration on math and sciences.


Completed sit-down assessment of pre-school plans and activities for each Esperanza student via mentoring approach and monthly hands on review.

Finalized eye exams and personal reviews via Institute of Ophthalmology in Mexico City for all residents focusing on exams, updated prescriptions, and replacement glasses.

Completed six month review of Casa Rosa and its administrative guidelines and support via its NGO status.

OCTOBER 2019 -

Launched 2019-2020 speaker series at Esperanza where a leading figure in the community visits the Dell Learning Center and talks about a specific topic such as how to study, specific female health issues, or how to prepare for career interviews.

Initiated discussions with Northwestern University in Chicago to field graduate students in Social Work as summer residents-fellows to work with and assist the young women at Esperanza.


Conducted a program review with the headmaster and staff at the American School that focused on past accomplishments and programs plus Future activities and goals.

Developed a strategy focused on Esperanza that would include the organization’s goals and priorities as well as the activities to support the Future direction.

Engaged with an educational organization to propose community action plans to support both institutions in an innovative and programmed manner. The emphasis On technology as a personal aide to both learning and support.

Finalized the process for selection and approval of the Esperanza northwestern university fellows and its housing.

Introduced the career counseling modules for the more senior women from Esperanza and participated in the first session that emphasized basic interviewing skills and communication approaches.

Reviewed current life plans and follow up statuses with the Esperanza residents and managed the overall management process between the Mentors and the residential.

Coordinated initial reviews with the local u of Pennsylvania alumni group to support and work specific plans with emphasis on blindness, science, and research.

Explore the potential for a stand alone facility located at or near an eye hospital in Mexico City that can provide housing for rural families traveling to Mexico City for life changing surgery.

JANUARY 2018 -

Visited Mexico City to assess results for 2017, plan activities for La Esperaza and Casa Rosa for 2018, and develop partnerships to achieve those plans.

In Mexico City, we conducted meetings with both houses, the US State Dept., the Fulbright Fellows, the National Social Work Center for UMS, interviewed tutors and fellow applicants, visited Costco, the American Friends School and the ABC Hospital in Mexico City.

Also, we planned upcoming program with the Perkins School for blind students at La Casa Rosa as part of their life planning process.

Conducted team meetings of volunteers for planned roles in activities for upcoming year.

Interviewed technology consultants and advisors for continued upgrades to both facilities.

APRIL 2018 -

Completed annual review with legal and accounting partners for La Casa Rosa and La Esperanza.

Hired a part time employee to assist with administration and filing grant applications.

Presented materials to various organizations such as American School, Institute for Social Change, and COMEXUS.

Hosted trip reviews and visits to Dell Services executives at both houses.

Reviewed proposal with Perkins School team to train and teach La Casa Rosa students and staff.

Conducted quarterly reviews for updates from both staffs at each institution to assess and plan.

Completed final plans for speaker’s nights and tutoring at La Esperanza over next months.

Assessed and finalized plans for technology room and digital library at La Esperanza with staff and contractors.

MAY 2018 -

Launched the American School Project Impact team of young female students to assist the La Esperanza girls with homework help and other learning projects.

Developed initial sketches and construction plans for the Learning Center at La Esperanza.

Initiated life planning and transition effort for the La Casa Rosa students as a way to plan for their future.

JUNE 2018 -

Completed the initial Speaker’s Night at La Esperanza as teaching tool for the students.

Hired and approved the selection of the contractor for La Esperanza Learning Center.

Finalized the administrative certification for La Casa Rosa through appropriate Mexico City agencies.

Initiated draft process for life planning program at La Casa Rosa by interviewing appropriate resources.

Prepared grant documents and funding for La Casa Rosa life planning program.

JULY 2018 -

Initiated construction for renovation at La Esperanza Learning Center----expected to be operational by 9- 15-18.

Reviewed grant requests and activities with potential donors and contributors to La Esperanza.

Complete individual profiles and assessments for residents of La Casa Rosa.

AUGUST 2018 -

Completed Phase I of renovation for La Esperanza Learning Center.

Updated administrative requirements for Casa Rosa filings.

Initiated grant requests for Casa Rosa support system for residents.


Phase II renovation completed for La Esperanza project.

Planned “Speaker’s Night” program for La Esperanza in this year.

Resumed American School tutoring and mentoring for this school year.

Submitted filings for Casa Rosa to appropriate agencies in Mexico City.

OCTOBER 2018 -

Renovation for the Esperanza Learning Center completed - the facility will be named Dell Computer Learning Center.

Launched medical equipment exchange in return for “non-pay dental services” for both orphanages.

Solicited proposals for person centered planning process at Casa Rosa.


Visited Mexico City for twelve days and completed a series of productive meetings and presentations.

Completed initial assessments for life planning process at Casa Rosa.

Began the bidding process for renovations at La Esperanza with several contractors to Inspect site.

Conducted business meeting with team meeting in Mexico City to review past year and plan for upcoming year.

Coordinated summer intern program to develop overall support from college students seeking experience performing social service roles in Mexico.

Participated in on site review of the Valencia Institute for Ophthalmology in Mexico City and meet with the Executive team concerning 2019 priorities.


Completed Xmas winter coat purchases for all residents of Casa Rosa and La Esperanza.

Hosted Christmas lunch for the residents of Casa Rosa and their families.

Conducted shopping trip for the girls of Esperanza to local stores and shops.

Finalized review and planning for upcoming year with staffs and administrators.

Arranged for expert planning and analyst, Dr. Virginia Blalock, to visit La Casa Rosa and conduct assessments for each blind student.

Drafted the process and plan to create actionable steps for each resident of Casa Rosa.

Completed construction plans to renovate a large dorm at Esperanza and the nearby visitors quarters.

JANUARY 2017 -

Reviewed approach with Mexican consulate staff in Philadelphia to determine issues, questions, and concerns.


Interviewed and recruited other board members to serve in both Mexico City and Philadelphia.

MARCH 2017 -

Developed web page and appropriate collateral materials for foundation.

APRIL 2017 -

Initiated draft of formal document to be submitted to the Mexico government stating our goals, and processes, and future intent for a "new school" in Mexico City.

MAY 2017 -

Launched partnership with Costco to support Mexican schools through monthly community gifts and contributions.

Initiated partnership with EMC to evaluate technology needs and skills in Mexican schools.

JUNE 2017 -

Formalized relationships with ABC Hospital in Mexico City to support Mexican schools by offerring public eye exams and physical exams to all students.

JULY 2017 -

Initiated relationship with UBS in Mexico City to sponsor PGA event in March of 2018 in Mexico City.

AUGUST 2017 -

Launched planning meeting with Mexico Embassy in DC to review process for a brand new school.

Investigated fund raising activities for 4th quarter of 2017 and 2018 in Florida, DC and Philadelphia.


Completed physical exams and evaluations for girls in both schools through ABC Hospital.

Proposed internships for tutoring and assistance with Fulbright Fellows in Mexico City.


Completed requests for teaching fellows from NAMI to assist in tutoring and mentoring program.


Planned annual review to evaluate and audit specific programs on-site in Mexico City.

APRIL 2016 -

Developed the appropriate filings with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and United States federal government to fulfill the requirements of incorporation, a 501©(3) charity, and the respective governance requirements.

MAY 2016 -

Visited Mexico City and completed the on-site initial organizational diagnosis and assessments of the two schools. (La Esperanza and a Casa Rosa).

Assisted in the updating of household appliances and facilities during the visits.

Interviewed the appropriate staff members of the respective schools to determine capabilities, needs, and goals.

Introduced the effort and process to the staff members at the US Embassy in Mexico City via visit and presentation.

JULY 2016 -

Deployed consultant to Mexico City to visit the respective schools and assess the educational capabilities, skills, and profiles for both schools.


Initiated fundraising activities in the United States to solicit resources, funds, and capabilities to fulfill the various needs for the schools.

OCTOBER 2016 -

Introduced an in place skill program to introduce and improve language skills at La Esperanza.


Deployed consultant to monitor and assess progress from initial efforts in July to test and revise approach.

Developed best practices effort to compile the necessary requirements for a technology location at the blind school. Communicated directly with educators and technologists concentrating in the teaching of blind students in Mexico and the united states.


Conducted fundraisers in Mexico City as a way to introduce and build presence within the local community.

Expanded initial language skills program at La Esperanza as a way to test and improve concept and viability.