

Who is the Earley Family Foundation?

We are an IRS approved public Foundation 501c-3 (#81-2704169) started in 2016 and based in Philadelphia---a public non-profit corporation formed to support orphaned girls in Mexico City through a partnership with individuals, companies, and entities that are interested in helping disadvantaged Mexican girls at two residences in Mexico City, La Esperanza, a traditional orphanage like setting, and La Casa Rosa, a house for blind orphaned young women, both right in the heart of Mexico City.


Why did the effort begin in Mexico City?

The brother, John Earley, was an American citizen and long-time resident of Mexico City. Following his death in 2015, he bequeathed his estate to help the orphaned children of Mexico City. The Earley family partnered with other University of Pennsylvania alumni, a number of Penn State graduates, some of whom are Mexican nationals and living in Mexico City, plus other folks in Mexico City, to develop specific approaches to assist these children from these residences with improved capabilities and skills, all aimed toward a better life through greater learning.


How were these two causes selected for the effort?

During his years in Mexico City, John Earley personally supported these orphanages by befriending the staff and students from each facility.  First, at La Esperanza, Mr. Earley became involved with the staff and the children from his neighborhood walks. Later, due to his father being blind from an accident, Mr. Earley had a great interest in the area of vision, he heard of Casa Rosa and visited the facility - then, prior to his death, he arranged for these young women to share in his estate.